After reading this chapter I have learnt that time can be shown/represented using a number of techniques. For example silent panels, panels with captions, numerous panels with slightly different movements etc. Time and motion can also be shown through a series of events and frames. Below is an example of motion: The ripple lines represent the character slowly moving into the water. You also know that time has passed because the first panel shows the lady getting into the water where the last frame shows her half way in the water. So you know time has passed for her to walk in.

(Picture was taken from
In this chapter Scott McLoud explains how time can be shown in comics through the use of panels. An example of this is a frame of a stop watch. Then next to it is another frame of a stop watch with time is shown later than the first. This makes us believe that time has passed. Another example of this is shown below.
(This comic was taken from
In this comic time has passed. We know this because of the captions. They use words such as "I throw my marble" then they use another caption a couple of panels later saying "i missed". Also we can tell that he has been hit by the girl because of the caption above saying WHOP and the movement lines around his body.
This chapter has made me realise that there are many different ways to show both time and motion in comics, and you can use more than one technique in a single panel to help give a sense of time and motion.
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