I took this picture the last time i went to visit my parents in Bunbury. Its amazing to think every time i go back home i always get drawn back to the beach.
How can something so beautiful be so temperamental. Seriously every time i go back to Bunbury or to the beach anywhere the mood of the ocean changes. Obviously this day it was happy and calm, it seems extremely inviting. (But remember looks can be deceiving), What lurks under that water only the ocean knows.
On another view wouldn't it be great if the oceans were really ruled by gods. I mean i honestly hope that there is a King Triton out there somewhere ruling the ocean. It would be understandable that the oceans when rough would represent Triton's Anger at the human race for its use of his sea. It might help explain why some ships, people and planes have gone missing over the years (especially in the Bermuda Triangle) maybe its his way of saying its his property and we need to learn to respect it. I know for a fact that i used to love swimming in the ocean. Good luck getting me to swim in there now. I am too scared that a creature of the deep will take me to King Triton and treat me as a prisoner. Maybe i am just scared that a creepy crawly will bite me and i will disintegrate into a million pieces. Seriously i am not going to take that risk. Would you?
The theme for my year 12 graduation was "Life is a Highway" and how true this is.
The photo you see is of the Old Coast Road on the way to Bunbury. My friend Katey actually took this photo. At first i was like why would you want to take a photo of the highway, its just bitumen. Or is it?
Is this the past in the making. In a few years time who knows we may be driving around flying cars like the Jetsons. Roads may cease to exist.
But one thing we do know is that roads are also temperamental, in the way that they can give people hope, they keep people in touch with each other, they can help create a new adventure. But they can also take lives. They have taken my friends life and he was only 20. See life is a highway. You dont know whats around the corner. Every time you get on the road you can bet your bottom dollar it will be different. Whether it is a kangaroo lying on the road or a pot hole. It is never the way you left it. Every time i drive on this road it changes. Just like my life changes everyday.
Now what do you see when you look at the artwork on the left?
Can you believe that this was once the work of a girl who's life was spiraling out of control at one stage, her tears taking over her life leaving her with nothing but emptyness. Can you see her words within? They may not be easy to see at first but if you look closely you will soon understand that words of pain, of sorrow, unhappiness, loneliness and hurt are all there. They have just been covered up with different photoshop techniques.
You can see the ripple affect which represent her tears, the spiral affect which is where her life was headed - it was totally out of control. The words blended into the darkness almost represent light at the end of the tunnel. This picture was produced in around ten minutes a few months ago for an unknown reason at the time. But now suddenly it all makes sence... have you ever felt like this picture?
....and just in case you hadn't figured it out...yes that girl was once me.
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