Tuesday, March 25, 2008



After reading the first Chapter of Understanding Comics - The invisible Art (By Scott McCloud), i now have a better understanding of what comics are and how they are easily mistaken for cheap childrens entertainment. When in fact this is not the case.

See when people think of comics they automatically think of cartoons. A lot of peoples first thoughts about cartoons are that they are for children only. I mean how can a cartoon be inapropriate for a child to watch? But there are a couple of cartoons which pop into my head that may look suitable for children but aren't exactly child friendly.

(image from http://www.southparkstudios.com/)

One being South Park. Athough the characters and settings are simplistically drawn (to look like a childrens artwork), the overall theme of the cartoon is violence and slander really. All they do is swear, mock religions, make fun of people etc. Don't get me wrong, and dont ask me why but its really quite amusing seeing a cartoon character die differently in each episode, and the topics for each episode are very crude. But this cartoon contains teenager and adult humour and really should not be seen by younger viewers.

(Image was taken from www.comedycentral.com/shows/drawn_together/ )

Another similar show is Drawn together which is also shown on SBS at a late time slot. Its basically about a group of cartoon characters/super heros that are all room mates in a "big brother" like house. This show has similar themes to south park and is yet another example of a Cartoon TV show that should only be seen by adults and not children.

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